In our little townhouse, we are lucky enough to have an extra bedroom to use as an "office." I put office in quotes, because we barely use it as that anymore. Back in the day of desktop computers, we spent a lot of time up there. In fact, we have THREE desks in there - one for me, one for my husband, and an extra one that I use for scrapbooking. For a long time, if I had work to do on my computer, I needed to sit upstairs to do it. Then came the laptop, and the need for a desk flew out the window. So, what do I do with that desk now? Pay bills, keep my laptop, work on my writing? No. I stack stuff on it. It is just a spot to stack things that I don't know what to do with. And that's about to change.
I really want to reclaim my desk. I would like to make writing my career, not just my hobby, and while I like to sit on my couch and write, I need a place to write undisturbed. I would also like a place to take care of household management stuff (like paying bills, keeping track of appointments) so that stuff doesn't get stacked on my kitchen table. So Mission #6 is to reclaim my desk. And it's going to take some work, which is evident when you see what my desk looks like now...
Yes, this is really what my desk looks like. I didn't add or move anything for the picture. And yes, that is a computer under all of that. My desk does have drawers, but for this mission we're just going to focus on the top - desk drawers are a mission unto themselves. My plan is pretty simple - sort everything into piles (scrapbook ideas, pictures, papers to file, etc.), then go through and put them away. I honestly have no idea what's on here...this one should be an adventure...
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